List of Experiments:
1. Plotting input and output characteristics and calculation of parameters of a transistor in common emitter configuration
2. Transistor biasing circuit. Measurement of operating point (Ic and Vce) for a :-
i. fixed bias circuit
ii. Potential divider biasing circuit.
3. Plot the FET characteristics & MOSFET characteristics.
4. Two Stage R.C. Coupled Amplifier.
i. To measure the overall gain of two stages at 1 KHz and compare it with gain of Ist stage, Also to observe the loading effect of second stage on the first stage.
ii. To plot the frequency response curve of two stage amplifier.
5. To study Emitter follower circuit & measurement of voltage gain and plotting of frequency response Curve.
6. Feedback in Amplifier. Single stage amplifier with and without bypass capacitor, measurement of voltage gain and plotting the frequency response in both cases.
7. To determine and plot firing characteristics of SCR by varying anode to cathode voltage, and varying gate current.
8. To note the wave shapes and voltages at various points of a UJT relaxation oscillator circuit.
9. Transistorized push pull amplifier & Measurement of optimum load, maximum undistorted power (by giving maximum allowable signal) Efficiency and percentage distortion factor.
10. To study the characteristics of single tuned & double tuned amplifier
Review of diode and BJT, Bias stabilization: Need for stabilization, fixed Bias, emitter bias, self-bias, bias stability with respect to variations in Ico, VBE & β, Stabilization factors, thermal stability. Bias compensation techniques.
Small signal amplifiers: CB, CE, CC configurations, hybrid model for transistor at low frequencies, RC coupled amplifiers, mid band model, gain & impedance, comparisons of different configurations, Emitter follower, Darlington pair(derive voltage gain, current gain, input and output impedance). Hybrid-model at high frequencies (π model).
[T1,T2,T3][No. of Hours: 11]
Multistage Amplifiers: Cascade and cascode amplifiers, Calculations of gain, impedance and bandwidth. Design of multistage amplifiers.
Feedback Amplifiers: Feedback concept, Classification of Feedback amplifiers, Properties of negative Feedback amplifiers, Impedance considerations in different configurations. Analysis of feedback Amplifiers.
[T1,T2,T3][No. of Hours: 11]
Field Effect Transistor: Introduction, Classification, FET characteristics, Operating point, Biasing, FET small signal Model, enhancement & Depletion type MOSFETS, MESFET, FET Amplifier configurations (CD,CG and CS).
Introduction to UJT, SCR, Triac and Diac (working, construction, characteristics and application),UJT relaxation oscillator.
[T1,T2,T3][No. of Hours: 11]
Power Amplifiers: Power dissipations in transistors, Amplifiers Classification, (Class-A, Class-B, Class-C, Class-AB) Efficiency analysis, Push-pull and complementary Push-pull amplifiers,cross over distortion and harmonic distortion in push pull amplifier. Tuned amplifiers(single,double & stagger tuned amplifier).
[T1,T2,T3][No. of Hours: 11]
Text Books:
[T1] Boylestad & Nashelsky, ―Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory‖ PEARSON PUBLICATION.
[T2] Salivahanan, Suresh Kumar, Vallavaraj, ―Electronic devices and circuits‖ TMH, 1999.
[T3] J. Millman and Halkias, ―Integrated Electronics, Analog & Digital Circuits & Systems‖ TMH – 2000.
Reference Books:
[R1] Sedra & Smith, ―Micro Electronic Circuits‖ Oxford University Press, 2000
[R2] B.Kumar & Shail Bala Jain, ―Electronic Devices And Circuits‖ PHI
[R3] David A Bell, ―Electronic Devices and Circuits‖ , Oxford University Press, 2000.
[R4] Albert Malvino, David J.Bates, ―Problems and Solutions in Basic Electronics‖ ,TMH.
- Course creator: Ms. Himani Lathwal
- Course creator: Ms Babita Antil
- Course creator: Ms. Himani Lathwal
- Course creator: Ms. Himani Lathwal
- Course creator: Ms. Himani Lathwal