1. To determine pH, turbidity, electrical conductivity of the given sample.

2. To determine the total hardness, calcium and magnesium in the given sample.

3. To find the amount of Fluoride, Sulfate, iron and manganese in the given sample.

4. To determine the optimum coagulant dose quantity for given sample of raw water.

5. To determine chlorine demand and residual chlorine.

6. To determine most probable number [MPN] of coli-forms of the given sample.

7. To determine the solids [total, suspended and dissolved] of the given sample

8. To find out total settle-able solids [by Imhoff Cone] in the given wastewater sample.

9. To estimate the amount of dissolved oxygen present in the given wastewater sample.

10. To estimate the value of biochemical oxygen demand [BOD] in the given water sample/sewage sample.

11. To find out chemical oxygen demand [COD] of the given wastewater sample.

12. Field visit of water/sewage treatment plant.