Introduction: Importance of Hydrology in relation to water resources development, Hydrology cycle, climatic and meteorological aspects, Water budget equation, Applications of hydrology in engineering.
Precipitation: Types, measurements, rain gauges, errors in measurements, check for consistency, missing data, Areal mean, mass curves, intensity duration frequency curves, depth area duration curves, and rainfall distribution in India.
Abstractions from Precipitation: Evaporation, measurements, empirical equation and analytical methods for evaporation estimation, Reservoir evaporation and methods for its reduction, Transpiration, Evapo-transpiration,Interception, Depression storage, Infiltration process and measurements, Infiltration capacities, Horton’s equation, Infiltration indices.
Stream flow measurement: Measurement of stage and velocity, Area velocity method, chemical and Tracer method, Electromagnetic and ultrasound method, indirect methods, Stage discharge relationships.
Runoff : Runoff characteristic of streams, Rainfall-runoff correlation, Empirical equations, flow duration curve, flow mass curve, calculation of storage / maintainable demand, Sequent peak algorithm, Droughts, causes and management.
Hydrographs : Hydrograph and its components, Factors affecting flood hydrograph, components of
hydrograph, basic flow separation techniques, effective rainfall, Unit hydrographs, concept of time invariance and linear response, Applications and derivation of unit hydrographs, complex storm, Unit hydrograph of different durations, methods of superposition and S-curve, Synthetic unit hydrograph, dimensionless unit hydrograph, Instantaneous unit hydrograph, Uses and limitations of unit hydrographs.
Floods: Computations of peak floods by empirical formulae, by rational method and by unit hydrograph
method, CWC recommendations for design flood values, flood estimation by Gumbel’s Method, flood routing principles, reservoir routing, Floods in major Indian rivers, Flood damage, causes and remedial measures
Ground Water Hydraulics: Sources of ground water, flow through porous media, Energy and momentum
concepts applied to groundwater flow, groundwater storage and derivation of the mass balance equation, potential and stream functions, Characteristics of wells and their yield, recharging ground water.
- Teacher: Mr. Vijay Rohilla